6 Intuitive Practices to Support Your Sensuality Journey

The Shameless Wisdom

Natacha Guyot, PhD Rating 0 (0) (0)
https://natachaguyot.com/ Launched: Aug 05, 2024
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The Shameless Wisdom
6 Intuitive Practices to Support Your Sensuality Journey
Aug 05, 2024, Season 1, Episode 7
Natacha Guyot, PhD
Episode Summary

Welcome to Episode 07 of The Shameless Wisdom Podcast with Natacha Guyot, PhD! In this episode, we talk about 6 intuitive practices that can support your sensual journey, so you can explore your desires and preferences safely and privately.



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Natacha Guyot, Ph.D. I'm an Intuitive Guide, Storyteller, and Film Scholar with other 20 years of Tarot expertise who supports you to tap into your inner wisdom, go after your dreams, and do your own freaking thing. Because it's important and because I'm French and believe in all revolutions, especially self-revolutions.


Website: https://natachaguyot.com/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/natachaguyot/


Get your Sensuality Workbook with 84 ideas to tap into your senses: https://natachaguyot.eo.page/shameless  

Get my gear + favorite tarot and oracle decks: https://natachaguyot.com/gear-favorites


Erotic Fantasy by Placidplace on Pixabay.


I am not a medical, financial, or legal professional. As such, none of the content in this podcast qualifies as psychological, medical, financial, or legal advice.

Episode Chapters
The Shameless Wisdom
6 Intuitive Practices to Support Your Sensuality Journey
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Welcome to Episode 07 of The Shameless Wisdom Podcast with Natacha Guyot, PhD! In this episode, we talk about 6 intuitive practices that can support your sensual journey, so you can explore your desires and preferences safely and privately.



Join the Shameless Lair community on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/natachaguyot 

Book an intuitive reading for life, work, and play: https://tidycal.com/natachaguyot/intuitive-reading-life-work-play 

Buy the self-paced mini-course Embrace Intentional Living in a Weekend: https://payhip.com/b/w8XYP


Natacha Guyot, Ph.D. I'm an Intuitive Guide, Storyteller, and Film Scholar with other 20 years of Tarot expertise who supports you to tap into your inner wisdom, go after your dreams, and do your own freaking thing. Because it's important and because I'm French and believe in all revolutions, especially self-revolutions.


Website: https://natachaguyot.com/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/natachaguyot/


Get your Sensuality Workbook with 84 ideas to tap into your senses: https://natachaguyot.eo.page/shameless  

Get my gear + favorite tarot and oracle decks: https://natachaguyot.com/gear-favorites


Erotic Fantasy by Placidplace on Pixabay.


I am not a medical, financial, or legal professional. As such, none of the content in this podcast qualifies as psychological, medical, financial, or legal advice.

In Episode 07 of The Shameless Wisdom Podcast with Natacha Guyot, PhD, we discuss how using reversales isn't mandatory to read tarot. I share how stopping using reversals positively impacted my tarot practice, whether I read for myself or for clients.

Welcome to the Shameless Wisdom Podcast where we rebel against patriarchy bullshit and help you stand in your power to take aligned to action.

Are you curious about how intuitive practices can help you deepen your connection to your sensuality?

No matter where you're at in your journey, intuitive practices can help you really tap into your shameless wisdom and explore your sensuality.

For example, intuitive practices can help you think about, you know, new ideas, plan them, or reflect on previous experiences, and also keep everything as private as you want it to be.

And a quick reminder if you're unsure what we talk about when we discuss sensuality on this channel.

Sensuality here means that it's any type of granted and pleasurable experience that engages one to six of your senses, whether in a non-sexual way, a sexual way, or mix of both.

And yes, I did say six senses because in addition to sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, I also include the brain.

Because cerebral engagement can really make a difference of how playable an experience is, no matter which other senses may be involved as well.

As for intuition, it is that inner knowing, that inner wisdom that you can access without conscious reasoning.

We are discussing 6 intuitive practices that can help you explore your sensuality.

You can tap into each of these modalities on their own or in an interconnected way.

The first intuitive practice that you can use to tap into your sensuality is journaling.

You can do journaling in any way that works for you.

Maybe it's a traditional pen to paper, maybe it's a digital way, or maybe you just enjoyed your reflection or maybe even creative journaling.

Really make it work for you.

This is a key thing in all the practices we are going to be discussing in this video.

After all, exploring our sensuality is a very personal journey and what you want is really to make it work for you in a way that is fulfilling.

And that can also take into account any, you know, fears you may have or even any previous trauma.

Or also, you know, learning to give yourself permission to explore what you desire.

3 ways you can use journaling to explore your sensuality are reflect on any previous sensory experience you had, or maybe something you would like to try in a similar way.

You can also explore daydreams and fantasies.

Now a quick note on fantasies, whichever they are, is that exploring them can be absolutely amazing, but also remind yourself that not every fantasy is meant to be turned into a real-life scenario.

And this is completely fine.

It is up to you to decide which one you want to turn into a real thing or what you want to keep as a fantasy.

Because as we say, you know, this cerebral approach can really be engaging and also be a good way for self-exploration and self-discovery.

And a further way you can use journaling to explore sensuality is writing about or creating about which sense you would especially love to tap into.

Maybe you really want to explore touch or smell, or maybe there's a specific combination you would really like to bring to life in a future experience.

So, these are like three ways you can use journaling to tap into your shameless wisdom.

The second intuitive practice you can use to explore your sensuality is meditation.

For example, if you have a bit of a challenge to tune in with your body, you could consider using mindful or breath-focused meditation to really get in tune with your breath.

Meditation can be a grounding experience to help you get in tune with your body before you move into another sensory experience.

Another way you can use meditation is by meditating on a recent sensory experience in really dealt into like the emotions, the feeling, the physical sensation that it brought up.

And if you really want to explore a specific sense or really foster certain emotions during an upcoming sensory experience, no matter when it may happen, you may also find a guided meditation on that specific topic of a specific focus that you would like to explore.

The third intuitive practice you can use to tap into your sensuality is visualization.

For example, you can use visualization to imagine yourself already tapping further into your sensuality and feel, look, experience, like how you would behave, what type of activities you would be engaging into, what emotions you would be experiencing.

And if there is a specific sensual experience that you would love to experience or even to revisit, you can also use visualization to imagine yourself experiencing it.

And if it's a first exploration, something you have not done yet, the visualization may also help you get a better understanding of what you would like to experience.

And it also allows you to do that privately and safely.

Another way you can use visualization is to use positive words and affirmations about your sensual self.

So, you can really picture yourself and bodying your sensual self and feel more confident about it and also build positive association between yourself and sensuality.

If you are unsure of how to start exploring your sensuality, I've got you covered.

In my free sensuality workbook, I share 84 practical suggestions of how to tap into any of the six senses in a sexual or non-sexual way.

Many of them do not require any additional expenses and can be done on your own.

A fourth intuitive practice that you can use to tap into your sensuality is color psychology.

Now many colors of, you know, common symbolism and association, but one thing I want you to remember is that you have a personnel association with a color that may go against the grain.

Just embrace it.

Because really since sensuality is such a deeply personal journey that it's also an exercise in self-trust and self-discovery.

So, even if the color that most people may not associate with a certain, you know, positive association with sensuality or confidence, but if it does the trick for you. Go for it.

For example, you can decide to incorporate certain colors that make you feel confident or sexy or powerful or more in tune with your true self in your everyday life, especially for your wardrobe or your accessories.

You can also use crystals or specific colors to conjure certain feelings and positive associations.

You can do that whether with a crystal itself, like a cluster, a tumble stone or a palm stone that you may even decide to use as a grounding practice or even during meditations.

You may also want to explore crystal grids or even wear crystal jewelry of your chosen color.

And a third way you can use color psychology to tap into your sensual self is to use it as part of your own decor through specific objects like blankets or maybe throw pillows or candles or even lightning sources.

To really help you tap into the side of yourself in your own environment.

A fifth intuitive practice that you can use is tarot, Oracle cards, which I'm fairly sure if you've been following me for any amount of time, you were expecting.

Well, I personally work with tarot Oracle cards. You can also use LeNormand or playing cards.

And if you're interested in other forms of introspection in intuitive work, such as runes or spray, you can also apply the suggestion in this section.

The first way you can use a tarot or Oracle card is to pull a single one before you embark on a specific sense or experience.

It can be grounding, but also inspiring and help you come to this experience with an open mind.

If you are just curious about your sensuality in general, or certain types of activities or tapping into a specific sense, you can also use a more complex card spread.

This may be 3, 5, even 10 or more cards, whatever you feel is right for you.

Whether with themed spreads where each card has a specific meaning or role, or in a more free flowing type of reading, or you just pull card as your intuition leads you to.

And then see what comes out for you once the cards are out.

All types of cards, whether tere oracle, tarot, cards or even LeNormand, a specific symbolism attached to them while tower and learn or more of specific symbolism and types of cars in their deck.

Oracle basically are each of our own system.

But even so every deck is going to have its own design, its own color, so you may want to, like, pick a deck that especially calls to you for sensual exploration.

And then, you know, look for the card and see if something comes up.

What symbolism do you associate with the cards.

And it can give you inspiration of what type of experience you may want to explore.

And a final intuitive practice that you can use to explore your sensual self is an altar.

If you are not familiar with what an altar is, an altar is dedicated space for intuitive and or spiritual practices and focus if you feel cold to create such a space, it can be a however small and simple or large and complex as you desire.

You may either create a dedicated altar for your central journey or add items to your existing one that reflect your sensual exploration.

Now the items do not have to be spiritual in nature or reflect anything particular except the association that you have with your sensual self.

That also may reflect specific senses you want to tap into, like sight, sound or touch.

And also, the beautiful thing about altars is that they evolve along with you.

Then you may want to spend regular time at your altar for reflection about this sensual journey of yours.

Now the rhythm is going to be completely personal to you.

There is no right or wrong way to do it.

Your altar is meant to be a sacred and safe space for you.

And finally, your altar may be a wonderful space for you to tap into over into the practices we talked about, such as meditation, visualization or tarot, for example, or even journaling.

This is kind of creating a specific space where you can get more grounded and possibly inspired and feel like this may be one of your sensual exploration bubbles throughout your journey.

So that's it for today.

Those were the six intuitive practices that you can use to support yourself in your sensual exploration journey.

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