How to Use Tarot to Explore Your Sensuality

The Shameless Wisdom

Natacha Guyot, PhD Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Sep 09, 2024 Season: 1 Episode: 12
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The Shameless Wisdom
How to Use Tarot to Explore Your Sensuality
Sep 09, 2024, Season 1, Episode 12
Natacha Guyot, PhD
Episode Summary

Welcome to Episode 12 of The Shameless Wisdom Podcast with Natacha Guyot, PhD! In this episode, we discuss different ways you can use Tarot to explore and embrace your sensuality.


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Erotic Fantasy by Placidplace on Pixabay.



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The Shameless Wisdom
How to Use Tarot to Explore Your Sensuality
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Welcome to Episode 12 of The Shameless Wisdom Podcast with Natacha Guyot, PhD! In this episode, we discuss different ways you can use Tarot to explore and embrace your sensuality.


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As a French Intuitive Guide, Content Strategist, and Video Consultant, I help women decision-makers and entrepreneurs reclaim their sovereignty to live, work, and play, in alignment with less shame and self-judgment.









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Erotic Fantasy by Placidplace on Pixabay.



I am not a medical, financial, or legal professional. As such, none of the content in this podcast qualifies as psychological, medical, financial, or legal advice.

In Episode 12 of The Shameless Wisdom Podcast with Natacha Guyot, PhD, we discuss different ways you can use Tarot to explore and embrace your sensuality.

Welcome to the Shameless Wisdom Podcast where we rebel against patriarchy bullshit and help you stand in your power to take aligned to action.

Did you know that you can use tarot to explore your sensuality?

Thanks to how it works as a map of consciousness, helps you tap into your intuition, thanks to its rich symbolism.

Tarot can be a fantastic tool to explore your sensual leanings and what type of sensory experiences you would like to experiment with.

If you are not familiar with tarot, this is a type of card deck that include 78 cards, no matter the design or the type of deck.

For example, there are a lot of Rider-Waite-Smith and Marseille inspired decks.

Each deck is going to have 22 major arcana, which typically represent archetypes and features human or sentient figures.

Tarot decks also have 56 minor arcana cards divided in four suits: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles.

The exact name of the suits can vary from one deck to the other, but the main symbolism remains the same.

Today we are going to explore how you can use tarot, major arcana, and court cards to support you in your sensual exploration.

While you could use the following suggestion for any tarot card, you're focusing on major arcana in court cards because they typically feature characters and archetypes that might be easier to connect with.

If you are not familiar with what the court cards are the page, the knight, the queen, and the king in all of the four suits.

First of all, let's talk about what the process looks like when using tarot to explore your sensuality.

The first step is to gather your supplies.

This includes a deck that you feel called to explore your sensual self, no matter what it means for you, or maybe you're even going to gift yourself a brand-new deck for this endeavor.

You will also need to have something to take notes with, whether it is a journal and pens or maybe a digital device, including if you prefer recording voice memos to yourself.

Once you have all of your supplies, the next step will be to have some quiet time all to yourself so you can go over your deck and just find a card, especially major Arcana or court card that really catches your attention and that you're just like, oh, I could explore something about that.

Although you may feel called to work with multiple cards, I would highly recommend just working with one or two cards for starters.

You can always revisit the other cards later.

Once you have picked your card, the next step is to just focus on it, or maybe even meditate on it for a while, however long you want, and just witness what comes up for you.

The next step is to record your insight, whether in your journal or on your digital device, in as many details as possible.

Also, I would really encourage you to try to avoid self-censorship because it is a very private experience, a very personal one.

And the whole point of it is to really give yourself permission to explore what comes up for you regarding your sensuality.

Once you have recorded your insights, you have two options.

You can get started with any of the suggestions in this video right away, especially for the one or two senses you really want to work with.

Or you may decide to take a break and then work on the prompts in this video later based on the insights you had and any other thing that may have come up for you.

Now let's talk about 3 ways to tap into the sense of sight using tarot.

The first one is, are there any particular colors that speak to you and draw your attention that you would like to incorporate into your daily life?

If yes, how can you do that?

The second one is, is there a small or big tweak that you could do in your wardrobe to incorporate more of the feel and the attitude and the traits that you see in the card that really speak to you.

And the third one is, what does this card remind you of about what brings you wonder in life, whether it is nature, art, animals or anything else.

Now let's talk about how to tap into your sense of hearing when using tarot.

The first prompt you can use is what type of music would you associate with the card you have chosen, and can you create a playlist based on that?

The second prompt you can use is what type of natural sound do you think the figure on the card would enjoy, and then you can find ways to listen to them, whether in person or via recordings.

And finally, you may want to find a guiding meditation on the theme that you associate with his card.

What about the sense of taste and how to use tarot to tap into it?

The first prompt you can use is does this card remind you of specific dishes and flavors that you love and would love to revisit.

Another prompt you can use is what flavors are ingredients would you associate with this card and would like to experiment with?

Finally, is there a type of restaurant or picnic environment where you would like to enjoy a delicious meal?

Based on the environment and the figures depicted on the card, let's talk about how to tap into the sense of touch with tarot.

The first prompt you may want to work with is: is there any specific texture you can see or imagine on the card?

And if there is any that you would love to bask in, do you have any readily available at your home? If not, do you have ways to access one fairly easily?

The second prompt you can use is the following: is there any type of object or environment featured on the card that you would love to interact with or visit?

And the third prompt is, what type of physical activity do you associate with this card that you would like to engage in?

What about the sense of smell?

Let's start with, what fragrances do you associate with this card that you enjoy and would like to try out.

And if you enjoy aromatherapy, what type of scent(s) would you use based on this card?

And the third prompt would be, what type of seasonal smells do you associate with this card? Are there any locations you could visit or item you could use to experience this seasonal sense?

Now let's talk about our last but not least, 6th sense: the brain.

The first prompt you can work with to tap into the sense of brain with tarot is, what type of stories would you associate with the card and the figure or figures on them?

Then what you can do is find a book, a movie, a TV show, a video game, or even a board game that would match what you are imagining.

The second way you can engage your sense of brain and intellectual stimulation when using tarot is what type of skills or topic that you would love to learn more about that the card make you think off, and can you make some time for research?

And finally, what type of stories would you tell about the figure of figures on the card you have chosen? Make some time to write your thoughts down or journal about it, or even start writing stories, no matter how short or long they are.

Now that we have covered suggestions on how to use tarot to tap into your sensual self through the six senses, let's discuss how to initiate sexy mode.

Obviously, you can use tarot to tap into your sensual self in a non-sexual way, but you can also do it in a sexual way or both. You know, it's not mutually exclusive.

The first way you can do it is by adapting any of the suggestions we just talked about in a sexual context.

For example, maybe you want to pick outfits that make you feel confident, powerful, and sexy.

Or maybe want to explore erotic visual audio erotica that matches what you get from the card you have chosen.

You could also create a sexy playlist inspired by your insights from the card you have chosen.

Or maybe you even want to imagine and plan erotic activities based on what the card brings up for you.

If you would like a follow-up discussion going into more details about how to use tarot to tap into your sensual self in a sexual way, please let me know in the comments and I can create one.

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