Be Your Best Self: Sacred Human Responsibility [03-15]

Shanelle Ann

Shanelle Sargent Rating 0 (0) (0)
Launched: Mar 16, 2020 Season: 1 Episode: 64

Shanelle Ann
Be Your Best Self: Sacred Human Responsibility [03-15]
Mar 16, 2020, Season 1, Episode 64
Shanelle Sargent
Episode Summary

Quote (March 15, 2020): "We have to do the best we can. This is our sacred human responsibility." (Albert Einstein)

"God is love" (1 John 4:8)

Let's chase after the manifestation of God's character, being love. I truly believe this is doing the best we can for ourselves and others.

Episode Chapters
Shanelle Ann
Be Your Best Self: Sacred Human Responsibility [03-15]
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Quote (March 15, 2020): "We have to do the best we can. This is our sacred human responsibility." (Albert Einstein)

"God is love" (1 John 4:8)

Let's chase after the manifestation of God's character, being love. I truly believe this is doing the best we can for ourselves and others.

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