Stepmom Wisdom: Role Models, Recognition, and Resilience: Finding Strength and Positivity in Your Stepmom Journey

Stepmom Wisdom Circle

Claudette Chenevert The Stepmom Coach Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Jul 25, 2023 Season: 2023 Episode: 1

Stepmom Wisdom Circle
Stepmom Wisdom: Role Models, Recognition, and Resilience: Finding Strength and Positivity in Your Stepmom Journey
Jul 25, 2023, Season 2023, Episode 1
Claudette Chenevert The Stepmom Coach
Episode Summary

In this episode, we're diving into some key aspects of:

  • The Role and Recognition of a Stepmom: We talk about the struggles of many stepmoms who don't feel acknowledged for the motherly roles they play and the importance of recognition coming from your partner.
  • Role Model Mode: We focus on the essence of being a stepmom - setting positive examples for the children. More than the semantics, it's about the impact you're making in their lives.
  • Grace Under Pressure: We reflect on the importance of handling challenging situations with grace and dignity, a key part of being a stepmom.
  • Ignoring Stereotypes, Embracing Impact: We delve into the importance of overlooking societal labels and focusing on the positive influence you have on your stepchildren's lives.

Brenda Ockun, founder and publisher of StepMom Magazine—the how-to guide for any woman who dates, lives with, or is married to someone who has kids, and a fellow stepmom, shares her wisdom on these areas.

We also discuss the importance of partner support, and how your grace under pressure, your responses, and actions are observed and valued by your stepchildren.

If you found this episode helpful, do share it with other stepmoms in need of encouragement and subscribe for more insightful episodes. You can leave a review on Apple Podcasts or your preferred podcast platform, which helps us serve you better.

For more support and guidance, check out my book, "The Stepmom's Book of Boundaries," available in paperback, ebook, and audio formats.

Feel free to reach out through our website or social media channels to share your challenges, feedback, or topics you'd like covered in future episodes.

Thank you for joining the Stepmom Wisdom Circle. Remember, you're valued, seen, and doing a wonderful job. Until next time, continue setting positive examples and shining your light. Take care!

Links Mentioned in this podcast:

StepMom Magazine  

Claudette Chenevert – The Stepmom Coach 

The Stepmom’s Book of Boundaries  

The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit  

Episode Chapters
Stepmom Wisdom Circle
Stepmom Wisdom: Role Models, Recognition, and Resilience: Finding Strength and Positivity in Your Stepmom Journey
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In this episode, we're diving into some key aspects of:

  • The Role and Recognition of a Stepmom: We talk about the struggles of many stepmoms who don't feel acknowledged for the motherly roles they play and the importance of recognition coming from your partner.
  • Role Model Mode: We focus on the essence of being a stepmom - setting positive examples for the children. More than the semantics, it's about the impact you're making in their lives.
  • Grace Under Pressure: We reflect on the importance of handling challenging situations with grace and dignity, a key part of being a stepmom.
  • Ignoring Stereotypes, Embracing Impact: We delve into the importance of overlooking societal labels and focusing on the positive influence you have on your stepchildren's lives.

Brenda Ockun, founder and publisher of StepMom Magazine—the how-to guide for any woman who dates, lives with, or is married to someone who has kids, and a fellow stepmom, shares her wisdom on these areas.

We also discuss the importance of partner support, and how your grace under pressure, your responses, and actions are observed and valued by your stepchildren.

If you found this episode helpful, do share it with other stepmoms in need of encouragement and subscribe for more insightful episodes. You can leave a review on Apple Podcasts or your preferred podcast platform, which helps us serve you better.

For more support and guidance, check out my book, "The Stepmom's Book of Boundaries," available in paperback, ebook, and audio formats.

Feel free to reach out through our website or social media channels to share your challenges, feedback, or topics you'd like covered in future episodes.

Thank you for joining the Stepmom Wisdom Circle. Remember, you're valued, seen, and doing a wonderful job. Until next time, continue setting positive examples and shining your light. Take care!

Links Mentioned in this podcast:

StepMom Magazine  

Claudette Chenevert – The Stepmom Coach 

The Stepmom’s Book of Boundaries  

The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit  

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