Maximizing College Opportunities for Stepchildren: From Scholarships to Crafting Compelling Essays With Mindi Trimble

Stepmom Wisdom Circle

Claudette Chenevert The Stepmom Coach Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Jul 31, 2023 Season: 2023 Episode: 3

Stepmom Wisdom Circle
Maximizing College Opportunities for Stepchildren: From Scholarships to Crafting Compelling Essays With Mindi Trimble
Jul 31, 2023, Season 2023, Episode 3
Claudette Chenevert The Stepmom Coach
Episode Summary

Are you wondering how to pay for your kids or stepkids college? Do you know about the recent changes in FAFSA application and the impact it has on divorced parents and blended families?

What are the best strategies that will give your student the best changes of getting accepted to the college?

Let’s find out on The Stepmom Wisdom Circle


Here’s a bit more about Mindi

Described as “the bubble wrap of life & college coaching,” Mindi Trimble encourages college-bound students to POP with fun, stress-relieving ideas for navigating their educational journeys using the Majorly Determined method inside her multi-year Accepted Academy program.

She then makes sure they don’t POP under pressure by coaching them through carefully chosen coursework and self-directed experiences—all culminating in personality-filled applications that get put in the ‘yes’ pile.

Besides increasing acceptance rates, working with Mindi has been known to yield college financial offers ranging from five to thirty times her students’ investment in her programs.

When not singing her students’ praises, Mindi's flexing her Phi Beta Kappa-from-UC Berkeley skills at trivia nights, hiking with her family and German Sheagle, or using her formal opera training to make up silly versions of soprano arias.

To Learn more about Mindi Trimble, go to


If you found this episode helpful, do share it with other stepmoms in need of encouragement and subscribe for more insightful episodes. You can leave a review on Apple Podcasts or your preferred podcast platform, which helps us serve you better.

For more support and guidance, check out my book, "The Stepmom's Book of Boundaries," available in paperback, ebook, and audio formats.

Feel free to reach out through our website or social media channels to share your challenges, feedback, or topics you'd like covered in future episodes.

Thank you for joining the Stepmom Wisdom Circle. Remember, you're valued, seen, and doing a wonderful job. Until next time, continue setting positive examples and shining your light. Take care!

Links Mentioned in this podcast:

Mindi Trimble  Https:// 

Claudette Chenevert – The Stepmom Coach

The Stepmom’s Book of Boundaries

The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit


Episode Chapters
Stepmom Wisdom Circle
Maximizing College Opportunities for Stepchildren: From Scholarships to Crafting Compelling Essays With Mindi Trimble
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Are you wondering how to pay for your kids or stepkids college? Do you know about the recent changes in FAFSA application and the impact it has on divorced parents and blended families?

What are the best strategies that will give your student the best changes of getting accepted to the college?

Let’s find out on The Stepmom Wisdom Circle


Here’s a bit more about Mindi

Described as “the bubble wrap of life & college coaching,” Mindi Trimble encourages college-bound students to POP with fun, stress-relieving ideas for navigating their educational journeys using the Majorly Determined method inside her multi-year Accepted Academy program.

She then makes sure they don’t POP under pressure by coaching them through carefully chosen coursework and self-directed experiences—all culminating in personality-filled applications that get put in the ‘yes’ pile.

Besides increasing acceptance rates, working with Mindi has been known to yield college financial offers ranging from five to thirty times her students’ investment in her programs.

When not singing her students’ praises, Mindi's flexing her Phi Beta Kappa-from-UC Berkeley skills at trivia nights, hiking with her family and German Sheagle, or using her formal opera training to make up silly versions of soprano arias.

To Learn more about Mindi Trimble, go to


If you found this episode helpful, do share it with other stepmoms in need of encouragement and subscribe for more insightful episodes. You can leave a review on Apple Podcasts or your preferred podcast platform, which helps us serve you better.

For more support and guidance, check out my book, "The Stepmom's Book of Boundaries," available in paperback, ebook, and audio formats.

Feel free to reach out through our website or social media channels to share your challenges, feedback, or topics you'd like covered in future episodes.

Thank you for joining the Stepmom Wisdom Circle. Remember, you're valued, seen, and doing a wonderful job. Until next time, continue setting positive examples and shining your light. Take care!

Links Mentioned in this podcast:

Mindi Trimble  Https:// 

Claudette Chenevert – The Stepmom Coach

The Stepmom’s Book of Boundaries

The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit


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