Getting Familiar With Your Target Audience

PodOps Media Marketing Podcast

Rob Winters Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Jan 03, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 21
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PodOps Media Marketing Podcast
Getting Familiar With Your Target Audience
Jan 03, 2023, Season 1, Episode 21
Rob Winters
Episode Summary

As an entrepreneur or small business, you need to find ways to meet your target audiences where they are and engage with them in an authentic way.

Getting Familiar With Your Target Audience

Episode 21 - Season 1


As an entrepreneur or small business, you need to find ways to meet your target audiences where they are and engage with them in an authentic way.

Rob Winters: [00:00:00] This is a PodOps Media Podcast where we dive into marketing tips, tricks, and trends for entrepreneurs and small businesses. I'm your host, Rob Winters. Today's topic; Getting familiar with your target audience.

[00:00:13] As an entrepreneur or small business, you need to learn about your target audience and meet them where they are. A good way to begin is by utilizing resources that are low or no cost, such as social media.

[00:00:24] Facebook, for example, has groups. If podcasting is your business, join groups associated with podcasts, participate in discussions in an authentic way, and try to provide useful suggestions and information. This is a great way to learn about pain points that exist within your target audience, and you can begin to market yourself as a solution provider. You need to ensure this type of engagement that you are not solely posting self-promotional materials. This will be a turnoff and can even get you banned from groups. It's all about connecting with people.

[00:00:53] What online sites or tools do you currently use to connect with your target audience? Share them in the comments on this episode at

[00:01:02] Thanks for listening. Be sure to subscribe at to keep up with weekly marketing tips.

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