Repurposing Your Content

PodOps Media Marketing Podcast

Rob Winters Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Apr 20, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 37
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PodOps Media Marketing Podcast
Repurposing Your Content
Apr 20, 2023, Season 1, Episode 37
Rob Winters
Episode Summary

Try reintroducing your earlier blogs and podcasts to your current audience. There's a strong possibility that some of your newer users have not discovered all of your original content. 

Repurposing Your Content

Episode 37 - Season 1


Try reintroducing your earlier blogs and podcasts to your current audience. There's a strong possibility that some of your newer users have not discovered all of your original content. 

Rob Winters: [00:00:00] This is the PodOps Media Podcast where we dive into marketing tips, tricks, and trends for entrepreneurs and small businesses. I'm your host, Rob Winters. Today's topic: Repurposing Existing Content.

[00:00:13] If you've been working on your podcast, blog, website, or whatever your content medium is - for a considerable length of time, let's say maybe a year or longer, revisit some of your earlier content. Try reintroducing your earlier blogs and podcasts to your current audience. There's a strong possibility that some of your newer users have not discovered all of your original content. This also gives you an opportunity to keep your social media channels fed during periods where you may be busy and unable to produce new content.

[00:00:41] Be sure to create fresh social media posts for this content as you bring it back, as well as review the content to ensure that it makes sense with where your social media marketing strategy is today.

[00:00:52] How have you used your older content in your current social marketing strategy? Share your ideas in the comments section of this episode at

[00:01:01] Thanks for listening. Be sure to subscribe at To keep up with weekly marketing tips.

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