Apply for Business Awards

PodOps Media Marketing Podcast

Rob Winters Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: May 11, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 43
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PodOps Media Marketing Podcast
Apply for Business Awards
May 11, 2023, Season 1, Episode 43
Rob Winters
Episode Summary

Are you the best at what you do? Do some internet digging to find awards related to your industry - and apply for them! Winning can give your website, blog, or podcast a much-needed visibility boost.

Apply for Business Awards

Episode 43 - Season 1


Are you the best at what you do? Do some internet digging to find awards related to your industry - and apply for them! Winning can give your website, blog, or podcast a much-needed visibility boost.

Rob Winters: [00:00:00] This is the PodOps Media Podcast where we dive into marketing tips, tricks, and trends for entrepreneurs and small businesses. I'm your host, Rob Winters. Today's topic; Applying for business awards.

[00:00:13] If you're running a small business and trying to get name recognition, earning an award can really help. Search for best of the best type awards in your industry vertical. You may need to do some digging on the Internet and think outside the box to find something that works for you.

[00:00:27] Think of awards that may relate to your website, podcast, blog, or any of the services you offer to customers. Any awards you may be eligible for, apply for it. If you win, you'll be able to promote this across your website and social media. You'll also get a traffic boost from the organization that provides the award as they'll most likely promote you on their social and their website as well.

[00:00:49] Have you won any awards for your small business? Let me know in the comments on this episode at

[00:00:55] Thanks for listening. Be sure to subscribe at To keep up with weekly marketing tips.

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