Podcast Reviews and Ratings

PodOps Media Marketing Podcast

Rob Winters Rating 5 (1) (0)
https://www.thepodops.com Launched: Jun 29, 2023
rob@thepodops.com Season: 1 Episode: 51
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PodOps Media Marketing Podcast
Podcast Reviews and Ratings
Jun 29, 2023, Season 1, Episode 51
Rob Winters
Episode Summary

Seeking reviews and ratings for your podcast can be a great way to boost visibility and attract new listeners. In this episode, we discuss strategies to encourage your audience to leave reviews and ratings.

Podcast Reviews and Ratings

Episode 51 - Season 1


Seeking reviews and ratings for your podcast can be a great way to boost visibility and attract new listeners. In this episode, we discuss strategies to encourage your audience to leave reviews and ratings.

Rob Winters: [00:00:00] This is the PodOps Media Podcast where we dive into marketing tips, tricks, and trends for entrepreneurs and small businesses. I'm your host, Rob Winters. Today's topic; Podcast Reviews and Ratings.

[00:00:13] Seeking reviews and ratings for your podcast can be a great way to boost visibility and attract new listeners. Here are some strategies to encourage your audience to leave reviews and ratings. Start with a call to action in your episodes. Regularly remind your listeners to leave a review or rating during your podcast episodes. You may have noticed I ask listeners a question and suggest they comment on this episode at the end of every single episode. I also provide a short URL on where to do this action.

[00:00:41] You probably know this, but engage your audience. Actively engage with your listeners on social media and through other communication channels. Respond to their comments, questions, and messages. When they reach out, kindly ask them to consider leaving a message or rating if they enjoy the podcast.

[00:00:57] If you have a website, design a page on your site solely focused on collecting reviews and ratings. Direct your listeners to this page, making it easy for them to leave feedback. You can also consider offering incentives or running giveaways to encourage listeners to leave reviews and ratings. For example, you could enter reviewers into a contest to win exclusive merchandise or offer access to bonus content for those who provide feedback.Be transparent about any offers or incentives you provide.

[00:01:23] And be sure to maximize your show notes by including a request for reviews in them. This reminder will be seen by potential listeners and can serve as a prompt for those who have already listened to your episodes.

[00:01:33] If you have an email list periodically, send out messages to your subscribers asking for reviews and ratings. Personalize the message and explain how their feedback helps you improve and grows your podcast.

[00:01:44] Most important show appreciation to those who have already taken the time to leave a review or a rating, respond to their reviews, express gratitude, and address any specific points they mention. This interaction can encourage others to leave feedback as well.

[00:01:57] Remember to always be genuine and appreciative when requesting reviews or feedback. Focus on providing value to your listeners and consistently deliver high-quality content. The more engaged and satisfied your audience is, the more likely they are to share a positive experience through those reviews and ratings.

[00:02:12] How do you grow your reviews and ratings? Let me know in the comments on this episode at PodOpsHost.com/Tips.

[00:02:20] Thanks for listening. Be sure to subscribe at PodOpsHost.com/Tips to keep up with weekly marketing tips.

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