Podcast Episode Length and Frequency

PodOps Media Marketing Podcast

Rob Winters Rating 0 (0) (0)
https://www.thepodops.com Launched: Aug 10, 2023
rob@thepodops.com Season: 1 Episode: 58
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PodOps Media Marketing Podcast
Podcast Episode Length and Frequency
Aug 10, 2023, Season 1, Episode 58
Rob Winters
Episode Summary

The rules are fast and loose around how long podcast episodes should or shouldn't be - so Rob's sharing some thoughts!

Podcast Episode Length and Frequency

Episode 58 - Season 1


The rules are fast and loose around how long podcast episodes should or shouldn't be - so Rob's sharing some thoughts!

Rob Winters: [00:00:00] This is the PodOps Media Podcast where we dive into marketing tips, tricks, and trends for entrepreneurs and small businesses. I'm your host, Rob Winters. Today's topic; Podcast episode length and frequency.

[00:00:13] With 56% of podcasts having ten or fewer episodes. Being an active podcast means you need to be releasing episodes with frequency. A super listener is someone who listens to 20 or more hours of content per month. Typically, listeners are consuming 6.5 hours of content per month. If you're just getting started, I recommend targeting a release of at least one episode per week, with an effective rollout strategy being to record a number of episodes or an entire season prior to release and then push the content live over the course of several weeks. When you follow this strategy, it makes it easier to release 2 or 3 episodes in a single week. Create realistic goals from day one. Define how many episodes will be in a single season. Your target episode release number per week. And if you plan to maintain or grow that over time as you move into future seasons. Now, there's not a hard or fast rule for exactly how long your episodes need to be.

Rob Winters: [00:01:05] Keep in mind your listeners may listen to five minutes in the morning during breakfast and a few more minutes on the way to work. The portability of our devices and easy access to podcasts makes them very flexible to the individual schedule. That said, if you have a 20-minute episode that can deliver on the episode's title with great content, that's awesome. If you're like this podcast and will need a few minutes or less to get your point across, that's also okay. Your episodes can also vary. Some may be 15-minutes; some may be 20. Don't lock yourself into a box where every episode must be exactly the same length. Make sure the length of time fits the content and your listener persona. Remember, you're creating content for the listeners, but just make sure it's good content and worth their time.

[00:01:49] Do you have a sweet spot when it comes to the length of your episodes? Let me know in the comments section of this episode at PodOpsHost.com/Tips.

[00:01:56] Thanks for listening. Be sure to subscribe at PodOpsHost.com/Tips to keep up with weekly Marketing tips.

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