Navigating the Perils of Orthorexia in a Health-Obsessed Society

The Complex Health Coach Gemma Sanda

Gemma Sanda Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Dec 30, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 2
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The Complex Health Coach Gemma Sanda
Navigating the Perils of Orthorexia in a Health-Obsessed Society
Dec 30, 2023, Season 1, Episode 2
Gemma Sanda
Episode Summary

As promised here in the show notes the link to the source information What is Orthorexia? from the charity Beat Eating Disorders

This episode dives into talking about Orthorexia and touches on my struggles around healthy eating and how it connects to our whole health journey and that awareness is the key. This episode is a brief skim of the pitfalls of diving head first into a health journey and the importance of listening to yourself always. (Orthorexia is not an official eating disorder diagnosis)

Dr Marks's books as mentioned in the podcast

Dr Steven Bratman MD the guy who coined the word Orthorexia if you would like to find out more

Book Free Solutions session with Gemma


I have chosen Podops to host this podcast and they are brilliant!


⁠If you would like to book a solutions session with me Gemma you can do that here⁠ for FREE 30mins


⁠If you would like to follow me on Instagram you can do that here⁠ and follow my belly laugh banter


⁠If you would like to send a question for me to read out on future shows regarding your whole health send it here ⁠ or message on Instagram DM


⁠And if you would like to join the online community you can join here⁠ All the latest information to support your ride to whole health


If you would like to be a guest on the podcast please DM and I will add the form here soon too


Episode Chapters
The Complex Health Coach Gemma Sanda
Navigating the Perils of Orthorexia in a Health-Obsessed Society
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As promised here in the show notes the link to the source information What is Orthorexia? from the charity Beat Eating Disorders

This episode dives into talking about Orthorexia and touches on my struggles around healthy eating and how it connects to our whole health journey and that awareness is the key. This episode is a brief skim of the pitfalls of diving head first into a health journey and the importance of listening to yourself always. (Orthorexia is not an official eating disorder diagnosis)

Dr Marks's books as mentioned in the podcast

Dr Steven Bratman MD the guy who coined the word Orthorexia if you would like to find out more

Book Free Solutions session with Gemma


I have chosen Podops to host this podcast and they are brilliant!


⁠If you would like to book a solutions session with me Gemma you can do that here⁠ for FREE 30mins


⁠If you would like to follow me on Instagram you can do that here⁠ and follow my belly laugh banter


⁠If you would like to send a question for me to read out on future shows regarding your whole health send it here ⁠ or message on Instagram DM


⁠And if you would like to join the online community you can join here⁠ All the latest information to support your ride to whole health


If you would like to be a guest on the podcast please DM and I will add the form here soon too


Hi and welcome to today's podcast 


What is Orthorexia?


I have added a trigger warning on this episode due to the nature of the topic but it is extremely crucial to consider when starting a health journey, and being aware is key. 


Due to the abundance of contradictory information available on the topic of food, it can be challenging to distinguish between what is right and wrong, and this can quickly become overwhelming. As a certified health and wellness coach, I commit to staying up-to-date with the latest information to assist my clients in making informed decisions about their food.


"Before becoming a Health Coach, I was on a journey to achieve good health and wellness. However, I often found myself getting confused and unsure about the best decisions to make. At one point, I realized that I needed to take a step back and evaluate what was best for my health. My interest in the subject motivated me to become a Health Coach. I wanted to gain as much knowledge as possible to make informed decisions not only for my health but also for my family's health." Dr Mark Hyman is still one of my favs all these years later and I will often look to see what Dr Mark thinks of a subject before I look any further.


In the past, there was not as much information available as there is today. However, even health professionals like myself are now finding it challenging to differentiate between facts and fiction due to the overwhelming amount of misinformation and contradictory information online. It can be difficult to distinguish between the opinions of genuine experts and self-proclaimed health experts who are insistent that their way is the only right way. Therefore, I always advise people to listen to their bodies and make decisions based on what feels right for them. Nonetheless, it is crucial to understand how the abundance of information can affect us mentally and physically. Being mindful of the signs can help us take a step back and make well-informed choices about our health.


So let's talk about Orthorexia and what it is to begin with


Orthorexia is an unhealthy obsession with eating “pure” food and both Men and Women can display signs. It’s not recognized as a separate clinical eating disorder, but it still can cause physical and mental harm. The eating behaviour involved is used to cope with negative thoughts and feelings or to feel in control. Symptoms may include extreme anxiety or guilt when eating food considered “impure,” and it may lead to cutting out essential nutrients or food groups. Orthorexia shares similarities with anorexia, and if symptoms fit, one could be diagnosed with anorexia. Seek advice if you recognize any symptoms in yourself or someone you know.


This episode is only brushing on what Orthorexia is and more information can be found in the show notes.


Behavioural signs


  • Cutting out particular foods and food groups from their diet in an attempt to make their diet more healthy. More and more foods may be cut out over time.
  • Taking an existing theory about healthy eating and adapting it with additional beliefs of their own.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Judgment about the eating habits of others.
  • Obsession with a healthy or supposedly healthy diet.
  • Increased focus on what they’re eating may interfere with other areas of the person’s life, such as their relationships or work.

psychological signs

  • Obsession with a healthy or supposedly healthy diet.
  • Increased focus on what they’re eating may interfere with other areas of the person’s life, such as their relationships or work.
  • Feeling unable to put aside personal rules about what they can and can’t eat, even if they want to.
  • Feelings of anxiety, guilt, or uncleanliness over eating food they regard as unhealthy.
  • Emotional well-being is overly dependent on eating the “right” food.
  • Low mood or depression.

physical signs


If someone with orthorexia is following a diet that cuts out important food groups or nutrients, this could lead to malnutrition, with signs such as:

  • Weight loss.
  • Feeling weaker.
  • Tiredness.
  • Taking a long time to recover from illness.
  • Feeling cold.
  • Low energy levels.


If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned in today's podcast, it could be a sign of an eating disorder. Seeking advice from a doctor is important. Even though there is no official diagnosis of orthorexia, medical professionals can assess your symptoms and emotions to determine the right treatment plan. It's important to note that a person doesn't have to display all of the symptoms to be struggling with the disorder.


I hope this episode has spread some awareness and that it has helped support you on your journey to whole health, please check the show notes for more information.

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