Benefits of Daily Exercise Fuels My Well-being

Mind Matters by Gordon Bruin

Gordon Bruin Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Jun 11, 2024 Season: 2 Episode: 18

Mind Matters by Gordon Bruin
Benefits of Daily Exercise Fuels My Well-being
Jun 11, 2024, Season 2, Episode 18
Gordon Bruin
Episode Summary

Podcast ShowNotes: Unleashing the Power of Dailies for Mental Health

Welcome to our latest episode, where we delve into the transformative practice of "dailies," a term coined by our host to describe small, consistent daily actions aligned with personal values.

Key Highlights:

  • The Concept of Dailies: Learn how establishing daily routines can eliminate indecision and enhance your life.

  • Personal Journey: Our host shares his own morning routine—waking up at 4 AM six days a week—to emphasize the importance of exercise for mental health as a therapist exposed to secondary trauma.

  • Exercise as Therapy: Discover how intense physical activity, including weight training and cardio workouts lasting about two hours, serves as an essential tool in managing stress hormones and maintaining mental well-being.

  • Customized Workouts: Get insights into creating a personalized workout plan that includes resistance training, cycling, elliptical sessions, pull-ups, sit-ups, and more.

  • Multitasking Fitness Time: Explore how you can enrich your gym time by listening to audiobooks, music or even scriptures based on individual preferences.

  • Physical Exercise Advocacy: Hear why our host champions regular physical activity for its countless benefits—not just physically but also mentally—and his impressive track record of good health attributed to this discipline.

  • Encouragement & Advice: The episode concludes with encouragement for listeners to find their unique path towards incorporating movement into their lives. Plus hints at potential future content featuring personal trainers who could offer tailored fitness guidance!

Don't miss out on these valuable insights! Tune in now for inspiration on transforming your mental health through the power of dedicated daily habits. #MentalHealth #DailyRoutines #FitnessJourney

Episode Chapters
Mind Matters by Gordon Bruin
Benefits of Daily Exercise Fuels My Well-being
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Podcast ShowNotes: Unleashing the Power of Dailies for Mental Health

Welcome to our latest episode, where we delve into the transformative practice of "dailies," a term coined by our host to describe small, consistent daily actions aligned with personal values.

Key Highlights:

  • The Concept of Dailies: Learn how establishing daily routines can eliminate indecision and enhance your life.

  • Personal Journey: Our host shares his own morning routine—waking up at 4 AM six days a week—to emphasize the importance of exercise for mental health as a therapist exposed to secondary trauma.

  • Exercise as Therapy: Discover how intense physical activity, including weight training and cardio workouts lasting about two hours, serves as an essential tool in managing stress hormones and maintaining mental well-being.

  • Customized Workouts: Get insights into creating a personalized workout plan that includes resistance training, cycling, elliptical sessions, pull-ups, sit-ups, and more.

  • Multitasking Fitness Time: Explore how you can enrich your gym time by listening to audiobooks, music or even scriptures based on individual preferences.

  • Physical Exercise Advocacy: Hear why our host champions regular physical activity for its countless benefits—not just physically but also mentally—and his impressive track record of good health attributed to this discipline.

  • Encouragement & Advice: The episode concludes with encouragement for listeners to find their unique path towards incorporating movement into their lives. Plus hints at potential future content featuring personal trainers who could offer tailored fitness guidance!

Don't miss out on these valuable insights! Tune in now for inspiration on transforming your mental health through the power of dedicated daily habits. #MentalHealth #DailyRoutines #FitnessJourney

I wanna introduce you to the concept of dailies. Dailies are small and simple things that you do on a consistent basis based on the values that you set for yourself, and you get out of the arena of going, do I really wanna do this or not? For example, exercise. Every single morning, well, 6 days a week, I wake up about 4 o'clock. I'm not I'm not a total advocate that just because I wake up at 4 o'clock, others need to wake up at 4 o'clock.

It doesn't work for everybody. But for me, one of the most critical things for my own mental health is I'm working as a therapist in the field, is to constantly make sure that I'm moving. Stress hormones can get stuck in our body and whatever you call it, secondary trauma from listening to so many, challenging stories, the things that people are going through on a regular basis that I ascribe my capacity, one of my main capacities to continue to do this work and have done it for so many years is that I regularly exercise physically. I just get up in the morning, and I hit it super hard. I work out for about 2 hours.

It's a time I can listen to books on tape, time I can listen to scriptures. It's time I can listen to music, and I I go back and forth between all of those things. Every morning as I get up and I love weight training. It's called resistance training where you're pushing yourself doing something hard. I personally do a combination of many things.

I do, I ride the bike. I do the elliptical, pull ups, sit ups, ab work, like I say, resistance training, working with weights. Like in this video, I'm just doing bench presses, but there's like 11 specific different weight lifts that I do. And it's just and I've found that the older you get, it's your body just kind of hurts anyway all the time. But as I have I'm talking was talking to a client earlier this morning, and she's talking about she wants to get out and start exercising, that that it helps her.

I just go, at least it's a good hurt. Right? I rarely hear someone who says that they push themselves physically, that they they're they're not having a positive result from that. So this is what I call it daily. It's just a small and simple thing I do consistently every single day.

Get up, work out. In this this video, I I'm I'm working out in my lanai. It's it's a gym that I have off the side of my house. And, anyway, I I to me, I'm a absolute proponent of physical exercise. I think it's one of the best things we can do for ourselves.

So whatever you can start doing to engage yourself in movement, Whatever works for you. There's so many different options out there, and if, you need specific help with things, maybe if you write some comments, maybe you can get a personal trainer on on one of the podcasts. I'm familiar with a few of them that can walk you through certain exercises. I myself have just figured out what works for me through the years. I I I'm a lone wolf when I go to the gym.

I don't really like to talk to people too much. I just like to put my headphones in and go to work, and like I say, listen to books on tape, music, scriptures, podcasts. It's it's, for me, the most sacred time of my day, the first first 2, 3, 4 hours. So, again, just an advocate for physical exercise. It's paid dividends in in my life, and knock on wood, I probably shouldn't even say this, but I I haven't I haven't been sick for, oh, man, I can't even remember.

I can't even remember the last time I've been to the doctor, and I say that in humility. I realize that tomorrow something could change, but my doctor is the gym. And and my as long as I'm pushing myself and I'm I'm doing something super hard every day, but not crossing the line where you're being ridiculous with things and just finding that that middle ground, where you're pushing yourself but not going too hard, that's the quest. And it it helps with your mental health in in all areas. So encourage you to take a look at at at where you're at and what it is that you can do to start implementing some physical exercise in your life in order to become mentally, more stable.

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