Adamantine Mindset: Unleash Your Inner Strength

Mind Matters by Gordon Bruin

Gordon Bruin Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Jul 30, 2024 Season: 2 Episode: 25

Mind Matters by Gordon Bruin
Adamantine Mindset: Unleash Your Inner Strength
Jul 30, 2024, Season 2, Episode 25
Gordon Bruin
Episode Summary

ShowNotes for Podcast Episode: The Power of Positive Words and Overcoming Obstacles
Key Points:
The Impact of Words: Emphasize Bruce Lee's advice on not speaking negatively about oneself. Highlight the importance of positive self-talk.
Choosing Positivity: Discuss the decision to embrace a positive outlook, finding joy in the journey, and encouraging oneself.
Self-Belief & Capability: Stress the need for a 'can-do' attitude and belief in one’s own abilities.
Humor & Lightness: Encourage listeners to develop a healthy sense of humor and not take life too seriously.
Victim Mentality: Address the importance of shedding any victim mentality and taking responsibility for personal success through hard work.
Inspirational Quotes:
"What I speak is what I create" – The meaning behind 'abracadabra'.
From The Martian: "You solve one problem…and if you solve enough problems, you get to go home."
Marcus Aurelius: "Impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way."
Challenges as Opportunities:
View challenges as an opportunity for growth rather than obstacles.
Use Zen teachings to illustrate that sometimes answers are closer than we think.
Creativity & Effort:
Tackle myths around writer's block; emphasize consistent effort over waiting for inspiration.
Life Lessons:
Continuous Learning: Embrace learning, growing, and expanding throughout life without fixating on destinations. 2 (Relationships): Prioritize relationships with others over fears of judgment or criticism.
Comparison Trap:
Critique societal obsession with being number one at all costs. 2 (Personal Uniqueness): Celebrate individuality instead of succumbing to unhealthy comparisons.
Actionable Takeaways:

1 (Gratitude): Practice gratitude for personal skills and gifts. 2 (Accountability): Be accountable—work diligently on areas needing improvement while maintaining positivity.

Final Thoughts:

Encourage resilience by reminding listeners that when faced with adversity, they have choices—to give up or tackle each problem head-on until they overcome them all.

Remember: This episode delves into harnessing positive language towards oneself, overcoming mental barriers like fear or comparison, embracing challenges as avenues for growth, fostering meaningful relationships above societal expectations, and perpetually moving forward with optimism despite setbacks.

Join us next time as we continue exploring strategies that foster inner strength and personal development.

Episode Chapters
Mind Matters by Gordon Bruin
Adamantine Mindset: Unleash Your Inner Strength
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ShowNotes for Podcast Episode: The Power of Positive Words and Overcoming Obstacles
Key Points:
The Impact of Words: Emphasize Bruce Lee's advice on not speaking negatively about oneself. Highlight the importance of positive self-talk.
Choosing Positivity: Discuss the decision to embrace a positive outlook, finding joy in the journey, and encouraging oneself.
Self-Belief & Capability: Stress the need for a 'can-do' attitude and belief in one’s own abilities.
Humor & Lightness: Encourage listeners to develop a healthy sense of humor and not take life too seriously.
Victim Mentality: Address the importance of shedding any victim mentality and taking responsibility for personal success through hard work.
Inspirational Quotes:
"What I speak is what I create" – The meaning behind 'abracadabra'.
From The Martian: "You solve one problem…and if you solve enough problems, you get to go home."
Marcus Aurelius: "Impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way."
Challenges as Opportunities:
View challenges as an opportunity for growth rather than obstacles.
Use Zen teachings to illustrate that sometimes answers are closer than we think.
Creativity & Effort:
Tackle myths around writer's block; emphasize consistent effort over waiting for inspiration.
Life Lessons:
Continuous Learning: Embrace learning, growing, and expanding throughout life without fixating on destinations. 2 (Relationships): Prioritize relationships with others over fears of judgment or criticism.
Comparison Trap:
Critique societal obsession with being number one at all costs. 2 (Personal Uniqueness): Celebrate individuality instead of succumbing to unhealthy comparisons.
Actionable Takeaways:

1 (Gratitude): Practice gratitude for personal skills and gifts. 2 (Accountability): Be accountable—work diligently on areas needing improvement while maintaining positivity.

Final Thoughts:

Encourage resilience by reminding listeners that when faced with adversity, they have choices—to give up or tackle each problem head-on until they overcome them all.

Remember: This episode delves into harnessing positive language towards oneself, overcoming mental barriers like fear or comparison, embracing challenges as avenues for growth, fostering meaningful relationships above societal expectations, and perpetually moving forward with optimism despite setbacks.

Join us next time as we continue exploring strategies that foster inner strength and personal development.

Discover the magic of words and their power to shape your reality in this transformative episode! Dive into a life-changing conversation that explores:

- The profound impact of positive self-talk and how our language influences our mindset.
- Strategies for cultivating a can-do attitude, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, and the importance of humor in everyday life.
- Overcoming victim mentality, writer's block myths, fear of judgment, and the destructive nature of comparison.

Key takeaways from this episode include:
* Embracing the mantra "What I speak is what I create" to harness positivity.
* Tackling obstacles with resilience by adopting Marcus Aurelius' wisdom: "The impediment to action advances action."
* Prioritizing relationships and personal development over societal pressures and comparisons.

Don't miss out on these powerful insights—tune in now for an uplifting journey towards inner strength and joy!

There is so much power in the words that you use. Right? I remember the statement by Bruce Lee, don't speak negatively about yourself even as a joke. Your body cannot tell the difference. Words are powerful, and I'm just quoting this from memory.

So that's why they call it spelling. The words that you use inside of yourself think, make a decision, make a choice to speak positively to yourself, to encourage yourself, to find some joy in the journey. Look at your life as you're going forward. Choose something that you want and choose to have fun along the way. I love the power of positive words, like yes, you can do it.

Get your mind around it. You can do it. You can make changes. You can do the things that are necessary in your life to find more peace. It's like, again, the word abracadabra, the magic word.

Do you know the literal translation of that word means what I speak is what I create? Watch the words that you use. Make a decision to be positive. Make a decision to matter. Make a decision to be more compassionate.

Make a decision to be more forgiving of yourself. Make a decision to to not spend so much time and attention on past negative thoughts. The mindset to be mentally strong and to matter and accomplish things in the world just follows these principles. And I go back to it over and over again. A can do attitude.

Yes, you can do it. Get your mind around it. You can do it. Develop, so you're capable. Believe in yourself that you're actually capable of doing what you need to do because you are.

You're capable. So believe in yourself, can do attitude, work on developing a healthy sense of humor, have some fun in life, lighten up a little bit, laugh, roll with things, quit taking yourself so seriously. And if you have any victim mentality, get rid of victim mentality. I am a victim of nothing. The world owes me nothing.

What I need to do what I need in life, I need to go out and accomplish. I need to earn it. I need to work hard. I want to do that. For there is peace and purpose in accomplishing thing, in in accomplish accomplishing things and moving and pressing forward, choosing to be positive, making a decision to be positive.

And then when bad things happen, which they always will, that you don't spend so much time on it. So think of this following quote. I absolutely love it. It's from the movie The Martian. Mark Watney in in the movie.

At some point, everything is going to go south on you. You're gonna say, this is it. This is how I end.' Now, you can either accept that or you can get to work. You solve one problem and then you solve the next problem and the next. And if you solve enough problems, you get to go home.

I love that quote. That's a powerful quote. Life is just a series of challenges. And if we look at, some of the great innovators and leaders of the world, Marcus Aurelius comes to mind when he talks about facing obstacles. He says this, impediment to action advances action.

What stands in the way becomes the way. We need to I think it's helpful if we get excited about the challenges before us. What challenge do you face today? What a great opportunity to continue to grow, to move forward and and to overcome things and to become stronger inside of yourself. Sometimes the answers that we're looking for might right be bright in front of us.

I love the Zen saying that says, if you are willing to travel around the world to meet a teacher, one will appear next door to you. Ain't that interesting? So we think about we're searching. Go anywhere to find this guru to give us the answers that we're searching for. And I've I've heard stories before of individuals who have done that.

We've traveled around the world to find these, you know, whether it's a witch doctor or a Zen Buddhist monk or whatever it is finding someone to finally give them, you know, the answer and maybe it's just right in front of you. So take take a look at that. What is right in front of you right now? And one of the obstacles that you might be facing, put a positive attitude towards it, believe in your capacity to deal with it. Just believe in yourself that you have the capacity to take care of the situation that presents itself to you.

If you're having a difficult time, I'm thinking for example of a podcast I heard the other day about, about writing. Those who wanna write a book, for example, and the podcast talks about there's serious there really is no such thing as writer's block. There's just wrestling with fear and insecurity. Writers write. They just write, and they do not wait for the perfect moment to write.

They do not wait for the perfect sentence. They just write. And as they keep producing content, things will start to flow. And then then you work on it and then you edit, but you write. You do stuff.

You just put forth effort. In the effort lies the fullest joy, and that seems to be one of the greatest mysteries of life. There is no there is no arrival. It's like we're always trying to get somewhere, but where are you trying to get to? The point is to keep learning, to keep growing, to keep expanding.

It seems like that's the lesson life is giving to us over and over again. The most important thing in the world from from my perspective as a mental health therapist really is the relationships that we have with other people. If if we can work on developing deep connections, getting outside of ourselves, being concerned more about another person than we are about ourselves, and especially if we're the type of person that's so worried about judgment and criticism and what other people think of us. That is one of the most self destructive elements inside of a a person's psyche that I've ever come across. This fear of judgment of criticism, but we are we are raised in a world where comparisons it's like they're they're they're just thrust upon us.

I'm watching the Olympic trials right now in for swimming or in some track also. And, you know, the thing that disturbs me so much, the only people that are ever interviewed on TV are who. It's the ones that make the Olympic team. I was watching a race the other night, and so the first and second place are automatically on the Olympic team, and the 3rd place person doesn't make it. And there was one race where by one one hundredth of a second, the 3rd place person didn't make it.

Did they interview that person? No. No. And yet that could have been his best time ever and was an astounding success, but it's everything that were that's thrust upon us is just the number 1, the number 1, the number 1. And so we're we're left with this idea that we need to compare ourselves with that.

No wonder we're miserable because we're always comparing ourselves with this unrealistic thing where 1 in a in a a 1000000000 people or even more than that. Right? 1 1 in 6,000,000,000 people is gonna win a gold medal in this particular race or 7,000,000,000, however many,000,000,000 around the air, and we're all comparing ourselves with that. Even all those people who made the Olympic trials, for example, they're all amazing athletes. 90 8% of them, you'll never you'll never even hear their name.

And yet their dream was to reach that star, which I think is is an awesome dream. And they should reach for it and do the best they can, but and and and not buy into any failure syndrome that they didn't reach that gold medal. I know there's a lot of of attitudes out there of people who look at that. I I think that's just very destructive because it's totally unrealistic. Only a few have the opportunity to reach those experiences where they actually win a medal.

And even it's the same thing. Someone who wins wins a silver medal in the Olympics is like, yeah. Let's not put them on the Wheaties box. It needs to be the gold medal. You see what I mean?

It's like this impossible thing that we do to ourselves as human beings, and that's that's really curious as why we do that. And perhaps it's because of this internal thing within us that we wanna strive for excellence, and I think that's awesome. But we just gotta chill out a little bit on the comparison thing. We're all so unique, all so different. We cannot judge another person.

We need to stay in our own lane. Do the very best we can with what's in front of us and give others the gift of working out their issues by themselves also. Anyway, just a couple thoughts on comparison that it's just we need to be careful. Look at yourself. Be grateful for your skills and gifts.

Talk yourself up. Be accountable. If you need to be accountable and change some things, make a decision to to work on them with all your heart, might, mind, and soul, and just keep moving forward. But have a positive attitude. Choose a positive positive attitude.

What stands in the way becomes the way. The obstacle is the way. I'll keep moving forward. I'll get up. I'll brush myself off, and I will try again.

Again, at one point in our life, everything's gonna go south. It does for all of us. There's numerous obstacles that we come across. We just get up, keep moving forward, keep working on setting goals, choose to be positive, brush yourself up, and just keep moving forward.

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