Small Steps: Mental Strength in Chaos
Mind Matters by Gordon Bruin
Gordon Bruin | Rating 0 (0) (0) |
gordonbruin.com | Launched: Aug 20, 2024 |
Season: 2 Episode: 27 | |
ShowNotes for Podcast on Mental Strength and Navigating Chaos
Key Takeaways:
Can-Do Attitude: Embrace a mindset of self-efficacy and problem-solving.
Humor as a Tool: Develop a healthy sense of humor to cope with chaotic situations.
Zero Victim Mentality: Reject entitlement; believe in earning through hard work.
Learning from Failure: Use past mistakes as lessons rather than dwelling on them.
Overcoming Addiction: Recognize the importance of control over one’s actions for self-confidence.
Chunking Goals: Break down large tasks into manageable steps to prevent overwhelm.
Discussion Points:
The importance of attitude, humor, and rejecting victimhood in building mental strength.
The dangers of dependency created by non-merit-based systems like socialism or Marxism.
Strategies used by elite warriors for enduring physical and mental challenges through micro-goal setting.
Encouragement to take small steps towards goals to build confidence incrementally.
Reflections on Society:
Concerns about America’s departure from meritocracy principles and its consequences on individual drive and societal health.
Observations on current political turmoil within the United States government and the divisive nature between parties.
Global Context:
Speculation that Russia's invasion of Ukraine could be signaling World War 3 onset – emphasizing the need for individual resilience amidst global conflicts.
Philosophical Insights:
A call to contemplate life's purpose, origins, good versus evil, right versus wrong amid modern moral ambiguity.
Practical Advice:
Approach media narratives critically: fact-check information instead of taking it at face value
Trust your intuition but also seek verification where possible—balance faith with facts when navigating uncertainty.
Conclusion: Maintain positivity, faith in yourself, learn from adversities, laugh often, reject passivity or victimhood mentality, earn your achievements through effort—and always move forward using setbacks as fuel for growth.
Episode Chapters

ShowNotes for Podcast on Mental Strength and Navigating Chaos
Key Takeaways:
Can-Do Attitude: Embrace a mindset of self-efficacy and problem-solving.
Humor as a Tool: Develop a healthy sense of humor to cope with chaotic situations.
Zero Victim Mentality: Reject entitlement; believe in earning through hard work.
Learning from Failure: Use past mistakes as lessons rather than dwelling on them.
Overcoming Addiction: Recognize the importance of control over one’s actions for self-confidence.
Chunking Goals: Break down large tasks into manageable steps to prevent overwhelm.
Discussion Points:
The importance of attitude, humor, and rejecting victimhood in building mental strength.
The dangers of dependency created by non-merit-based systems like socialism or Marxism.
Strategies used by elite warriors for enduring physical and mental challenges through micro-goal setting.
Encouragement to take small steps towards goals to build confidence incrementally.
Reflections on Society:
Concerns about America’s departure from meritocracy principles and its consequences on individual drive and societal health.
Observations on current political turmoil within the United States government and the divisive nature between parties.
Global Context:
Speculation that Russia's invasion of Ukraine could be signaling World War 3 onset – emphasizing the need for individual resilience amidst global conflicts.
Philosophical Insights:
A call to contemplate life's purpose, origins, good versus evil, right versus wrong amid modern moral ambiguity.
Practical Advice:
Approach media narratives critically: fact-check information instead of taking it at face value
Trust your intuition but also seek verification where possible—balance faith with facts when navigating uncertainty.
Conclusion: Maintain positivity, faith in yourself, learn from adversities, laugh often, reject passivity or victimhood mentality, earn your achievements through effort—and always move forward using setbacks as fuel for growth.
Unlock the Power of Mental Strength in a Chaotic World – Tune into this episode for life-changing insights!
Discover how to thrive amidst chaos with proven strategies from the mentally strong. In this eye-opening podcast, we delve into the attitudes and habits that set resilient people apart, equipping you with tools to bolster your own mental fortitude.
Key takeaways from this episode include:
- Embracing a "can-do" mindset to overcome challenges
- The importance of humor and zero victim mentality for personal growth
- Strategies for moving past failures and building unshakeable confidence
Don't miss out on these transformative insights—listen now and start mastering your mental strength today!
The purpose of this podcast this morning is to suggest some of the things those who are mentally strong do in order to navigate through a world that is increasingly becoming more chaotic day by day. They have a certain attitude, a certain way of looking at life, which has proven to be very effective. And if you've listened to any of my podcasts in the past, I always go back to this basic template of what the most successful do. Those who are able to navigate mentally and through their lives. They have chosen a can do attitude.
I will figure it out. I'm capable of figuring it out. They also learn to lighten up where they develop a healthy sense of humor. They're able to roll with things and laugh once in a while when things really get chaotic. And 3rd, they're have a have a a a zero victim mentality.
They do not feel the world or anyone else owes them anything. Because those people in the world that think that they just deserve something for nothing, they're the most miserable people on the planet. The way to to gain confidence and feel strong in yourself is to accomplish things so that you know what you are capable of. 1 of the insidious evils, from my perspective, that has infiltrated into America and our great republic is that we're doing away with what's called a meritocracy, that you earn things, that you work hard. And those who are just given handouts, it's been proven over and over again for that socialism, Marxism, that does not work.
It eventually destroys a human soul and a human, the will to advance and make progress in life, and it seems inherent in each one of us, we have a deep desire to do that. The challenge is that some people have a tendency to give up when things get super, super hard. And the very essence of existence is to work through challenges. The obstacle is the way. And instead of looking at obstacles in a negative light and being put and just crushed because of them, if we can flip that around and say, man, I'm gonna learn something from this.
I'm gonna keep growing. I'm gonna keep trying. And so, again, healthy attitude of can do attitude, healthy sense of humor, 0 victim mentality, and then the 4th trait is kind of what I was just talking about. They don't focus on past failures. They learn from them.
Every one of us struggle with things in this life. Every one of us that have made mistakes, some serious mistakes, don't get stuck there. And what I've noticed with with many of the individuals that that I'm working with in the therapeutic setting is that they've experienced betrayal. They've experienced extreme failure, or or things are out of their control, and it impacts them so much that they lose faith in their capacity to navigate through them, and it paralyzes them. And what I would say that within each one of us, there is a god seed.
You can call it that. There's something within it in us, the mystery of existence, that we live. And there's power within us to take whatever circumstances we find ourselves, and we can make something better of it. And we continue to move forward, have and learn to look inside and strive to have confidence in oneself. One of the things that that can destroy confidence is addiction issues because you you lose that so that sense of self efficacy of knowing that you're not in control of yourself.
And that's the trouble with addiction. And an addiction means that you've reached the point where there's negative consequences from certain behaviors. You make a commitment to stop them, and then you you you do not you you find yourself going back to that behavior over and over again. And there's something within our souls in the very, DNA of our existence that rebels against losing our freedom, losing our capacity to say, this is my goal. This is what I'm working on, and then to find success.
If you are overwhelmed with with life and and what you face and the goal seem too big that you're desiring to achieve, one of the secrets that, very successful people do is they they chunk them into little micro, or micro chunks, where just do one simple small thing at a time. I've heard stories of of, special forces, elite warriors and their training when what they are tasked to do physically, because they're they're pushed to the brink of complete mental and physical exhaustion to see what they'll do. And the way they get through the their task at hand, they just go, I'm just gonna make it to that let's say they're running, and they know they have to run, you know, 3 miles in the sand or something. They will pick a spot in front of them just maybe a 100 yards. And they they will get out of their minds that they have to run 3 miles, and they will say, I'm just gonna run right to that spot.
They find they they they find a a piece of driftwood or something, you know, a 100 yards in front of them, and they would just look at that, and they they run towards that. And then they just that's all I'm doing. They just break it down into micro steps, and then they make it there, and then they go, alright. Now I'm gonna run just another 50 yards, and then I'm gonna run just another 50 yards. And then before you know it, they've achieved their goal.
But if they were if they were constantly going, I gotta run 3 miles. I gotta run 3 miles. They have a tendency to break down. And those who have difficulty getting up and getting moving in life in a 1000000 different scenarios, that's that's what's happening. So chunk things.
Break them down. Just do one small step, and and then take the next step and the next step, and you can get through any endeavor when when you have that mentality. And in the process of time, you build more confidence in yourself. And at the end of the day, that the most important thing that you'll ever have is that sense of self that you can actually accomplish things and having that can do attitude. And the way to build that can do attitude and make it stronger inside of yourself, because may perhaps there's some who are listening to this that really don't believe they have the capacity to do anything.
That's simply not true. Yes. You do. You have this the capacity to do one small step in front of you, and then or or one one assignment, one goal, one little micro step. You can do that.
Just do that and continue to build on it, and then and then your confidence will increase day by day until you you feel stronger in yourself and you're able to experience more joy in the journey because you know more fully who you are. But and the reason that those who are super mentally strong or elite warriors, are successful is because they mastered that state. They've earned that state through training, constant training. They learn to love the process, and in the process, they develop, a sense of what's called self efficacy. They're comfortable in their own skin.
They feel strong. They feel capable. And I believe that is essential for each one of us, in our individual lives. And it's gonna become more critical as time goes on because there are so many voices in the world. There is so much going on right now.
At the time of of me doing this podcast, it's like, man, the United States, our our government is is an upheaval. The conflict between the Republican and Democratic parties are it's it's beyond description. And therefore, each of us need to dig down deep and discern and truly understand, what is going on, what the truth really is, and and then how to stand strong in our own skin. And we're at the brink. Who knows if the World War 3?
So, like, it's it kind of from my perspective, that all started when Ukraine was invaded by Russia, you know, a little while back. And I just said I remember saying to my wife, I said, this is the beginning of world war another world war conflict. And isn't that crazy that it just seems that the human race has such a difficult time getting along? But I think there's something much deeper than that. I think it's a spiritual battle going on.
If you really look at at the it really causes us deep reflection on the very purpose of life. Why are we here? Where did we come from? What is the purpose of living? And I just keep at least in in in my heart, in my mind, it is to strive to do good, and we all understand what that is.
Well, no. I shouldn't say that. We all don't understand what that is. I mean, there are some people that are are calling good evil and evil good right now, and we've gotten to a place in our in our world where some don't even even ask the question if if it's right and wrong. Right and wrong is not even on the table anymore.
But there's still a lot of us left who can clearly say, no. There are things that are right, and there are things that are wrong. It's clear. And to say that that doesn't exist is one of the greatest lies of all. Anyway, again, just just, wrapping up this brief podcast.
Just do what's right in front of you in small segments and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Look deep inside yourself and pay attention to how you feel about things. What feels right? Study things out. Search.
Diligently seek. Look for the facts of things. With things you are hearing in the media, don't just accept them. You look at them. You study them.
You fact check. Facts are stubborn things. And those people who are deceptive, who who speak things in crooked tongues and misdirection and control the narrative in certain ways to just hang on to power. Study study things out so that you can figure out truly what is right and what is wrong. And there is an intuitive part of you deep in the soul, it's in your gut, that that there's a sense of things that are right and wrong, and I just ask you to pay attention to that.
Study things out in your mind, in your heart. Mull things over. Ask questions. Don't just accept things that people are telling you. That's the way to gain confidence inside yourself that you know what you believe, but make sure that you can verify things and and back some things up.
Some things in this world, we just have to we have to live by faith because all the answers aren't clearly before us. But if you're following your gut, from my perspective, it's always led me in in a positive direction and taking care of me. So, anyway, again, I hope this podcast finds you well. Be positive. Look forward with faith, can do attitude.
I'm gonna figure things out for myself. Healthy sense of humor. Zero victim mentality. Nobody owes you anything. Nobody owes me anything.
We gotta earn what we get by our efforts. And when bad things happen, which they will as a part of life, and you come across people that do bad things towards you, you know, learn from them, pick up, be strong, and then continue to move forward and and use it for fuel in a positive direction.