Thoughts on Sounds of Freedom Movie

Mind Matters by Gordon Bruin

Gordon Bruin Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Aug 15, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 4

Mind Matters by Gordon Bruin
Thoughts on Sounds of Freedom Movie
Aug 15, 2023, Season 1, Episode 4
Gordon Bruin
Episode Summary
  • There is no consistent long-term aftercare program for individuals who come from sex slavery. Clinicians are concerned about increasing funding and long-term aftercare programs for individuals dealing with PTSD and trauma issues.
  • I've seen the weakening of the psyche as time has gone on due to instant gratification. We need to put things in place to help ourselves, like a facility for women who have been trafficked.
  • We live in a society where we can't even ask whether something is right or wrong, and social media is weakening people's minds.
  • When I was younger, a mentor asked me a critical question that changed the course of my life. I realized I needed to return to school and take care of a family.
  • A famous Charles Dickens story shows that if you use your imagination to project yourself into the future and dialogue with the best personification of yourself, you will eventually get there.
Episode Chapters
Mind Matters by Gordon Bruin
Thoughts on Sounds of Freedom Movie
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  • There is no consistent long-term aftercare program for individuals who come from sex slavery. Clinicians are concerned about increasing funding and long-term aftercare programs for individuals dealing with PTSD and trauma issues.
  • I've seen the weakening of the psyche as time has gone on due to instant gratification. We need to put things in place to help ourselves, like a facility for women who have been trafficked.
  • We live in a society where we can't even ask whether something is right or wrong, and social media is weakening people's minds.
  • When I was younger, a mentor asked me a critical question that changed the course of my life. I realized I needed to return to school and take care of a family.
  • A famous Charles Dickens story shows that if you use your imagination to project yourself into the future and dialogue with the best personification of yourself, you will eventually get there.

The Sound of Freedom

One of the Operation Underground Railroad agents said he had to get out of it. He was worried about his own family. I praise these guys for what they’re doing, bringing light to this issue, but it’s just a part of the problem.

There is no consistent long-term aftercare program for these individuals who come from sex slavery. We are sorely underfunded. The company I worked with ran four-day healing retreats for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse but didn’t even deal with children.

When you work in a psychiatric hospital, you hear codes over the loudspeaker that mean there’s a client out of control. In this particular hospital, we didn’t have security; nurses were the security.

A 13-year-old girl was standing facing a window, refusing to return to the unit, and hitting her head against the window. Staff had to take her down and forcefully get her back to the unit, and she was screaming and yelling.

Some things on clinicians’ minds were increasing funding and long-term aftercare programs for individuals dealing with PTSD and trauma issues. She was reminded of one of the founding fathers of America who said that our freedom in this democracy will only be valuable to a moral people.

Purpose and meaning in life are found in the journey, being engaged in something, and doing something. Because of Social Media like TikTok, a 16-year-old boy can be worth millions of dollars, but he doesn’t know what it’s like to work and struggle for 10 to 15 years to get something.

I’ve seen the weakening of the psyche as time has gone on due to instant gratification. The idea of working for something long-term, with a long-term goal, is missing from society and weakening our civilization as a whole. We live in an environment of instant gratification. We’re at risk of greater travesties unless we increase our awareness and put things in place to help ourselves.

I’m grateful to those guys rescuing these children, but we don’t have all of the resources to help them. The focus needs to be on developing a facility where women who have been trafficked can come. One of my friends who worked with Tim Ballard returned from a third-world country and said that virtue is the answer; virtue is putting off instant gratification for something more worthwhile in the long run.

We live in a society where we can’t even ask whether something is right or wrong? We’ve done that with our freedom, and social media is weakening people’s minds and mentalities and making them think that everything is just okay.

We live in a world where there is good and evil. We must take a stand in our lives and not let evil triumph by being passive and pretending it doesn’t exist.

When I was younger, a mentor asked me the most critical question that changed the course of my life when I was 33. “What will your life look like in 5 years if you don’t go back to school?” I realized I would be worse off and broke while caring for a family.

We’re not going to live forever, so we have to take a look into our own lives and say, where are we heading? If you listen to yourself, you’ll know what you need to do, just like I knew when I was 33 I needed to return to school.

The famous Charles Dickens story of Ebenezer Scrooge looking into the future and seeing what was coming meant that the end where he was going had not happened and he could change his life. This brings in some quantum physics, with a million possibilities.

I would encourage you to use your imagination to project yourself into the future and dialogue with the best personification of yourself. Do what that future you says, and you will eventually get there rather than wandering without direction.

Ebeneezer Scrooge saw his tombstone and what would transpire if he did not make some changes. However, he chose to make changes, and his future was changed.

Look into your future; what does it look like in five years? There are a million possibilities, probably 10 billion. You have unlimited potential versions; use your imagination to find the best personification of yourself and start a dialogue with that version of yourself to eventually get there.

No one has clearly been able to delineate why things are, so we’re each left in this perfect schooling environment to figure that out and search deep in our souls for meaning.

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